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UTA Bratislava

University of the Third Age at the Centre for Continuing Education of Comenius University

The University of the Third Age (UTA) under the auspices of Comenius University was established in 1990 as the first institution of this kind in the Slovak Republic. The UTA is located at the Centre for Continuing Education of Comenius University, as one of the centre’s division.

The UTA organizes courses mainly for retired people, for medically retired (physically handicapped) and for people before retirement - generally for people over 50. It offers to the students a 3-year interest group study in about 26 study branches in 3 cities. Along with Bratislava, there are courses also in Nitra and in Martin (central Slovakia).

The study plan of each year provides for 14 three-hour lectures to be presented each fortnight. During their first year the students are offered basic lectures from each of the offered disciplines. Their second and third year is devoted to the study of optional disciplines and students enroll in the study of specialised branches:

Study Courses

Archaeology  Economics  History of the fine art 
History of religions  Philosophy  Regeneration of the strength of Seniors  
Slovak history  General history  Latin and the old Roman history 
Tourism + services  Yoga  Theatre and music in the passing of time 
Ethnology  Social work  General medicine 
Pharmacy  Psychology  Computers and Information 
Law  Journalism  Horticulture and gardening 
Astronomy  Gerontology  History and monuments of Bratislava 

The interest in this form of study permanently increases. Yearly almost 1500 elderly students enroll in 46 study groups. After completing their study, students are ceremonially given certificates.

The pedagogical process at the UTA is complemented by other educational and social forms. Along with lectures and seminars, we organise excursions, panel discussions, visits to other universities, informal meetings and conceptualised trips. 

Topics, which are the same or similar to those in undergraduate courses, are given by university lecturers either from our faculties or from partner ones. There are about 300 lecturers at our UTA together.

We provide other facilities and events for elderly people in addition to the study program:

Students organize on themselves meeting and discussions with the politicians, they arrange the visits of theatres, publish newspapers and manage other free time activities in their Club of the UTA students  
we regularly organize the "Global walk event" which started in October 1999 around the world. It was organized by WHO from GINA in Geneva. In Bratislava we walk from the main university building across the city to the recreational part of the city.

Survey of number of courses and students: Table [35 KB]

During the years 2002-2004 we participated in the Socrates Grundtvig project group of EuCoNet. Results of our work you can find on the page www.gemeinsamlernen.de/euconet.

The University of the Third Age at Comenius University is a member of the International Association of UTAs (AIUTA), the European Federation of Older Students at the universities (EFOS) and EURAG (European Federation of the Elderly).


University of the Third Age at the Centre for Continuing Education
Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
: PhDr. Nadezda Hrapková, PhD.
Safarikovo namestie 6
818 06 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
phone: 00421-2-592 44 545, 00421-2-592 44 529
fax: 00421-2-529 63 836
e-mail: hrapkova@rec.uniba.sk

The Slovak Association of the Universities of the Third Age (ASUTV) was established on December 1st 1994 in Kosice. The members of the Association meet four times a year. They inform each other about their activities. They cooperate and prepare common events, i.e. conferences, seminars, excursions and mutual visits by students of the universities. There are more than 5300 elderly over 45 who study at the UTAs in Slovakia.

The Association has created the home page: www.uniba.sk/asociaciautv