UN Committee on Ageing

Regular meetings of the Committee on Ageing at the UN in Vienna are organised online each month.

One of the last meetings was held on 7 June 2021. In their presentations our two board members Nadezda Hrapkova and Katarina Grunwald gave concrete information about EFOS activities and the project SELID.

Draft agenda for 7 June 2021

Letter to EU

In advance of the election for the EU Parliament in 2019 EFOS has sent an open letter to the EU Parliament and the Commission to draw their attention to the education for older people.

UNECE Ministerial Conference 2017

Lisbon 20-22 September 2017

An NGO forum and a research forum preceded the Ministerial Conference on 20 September 2017.

1) Recognizing the Potential of Older Persons

2) Encouraging Longer Working Life and Ability to Work
3) Ensuring Ageing with Dignity

Short Report
Ministerial Declaration
NGO Declaration
Statement of the Research Forum

Letter to the candidates for the EU Parliament

EFOS members are sending a letter to their regional candiates for the EU Parliament election in May 2014, informing them about the education for older people and its importance for the wellbeing and the social cohesion of the older generation.

Read the letter in pdf-format


Erasmus for All - letter to the EU Commission

In November 2012 EFOS sent a letter to the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture expressing our concern about the plans for the "Erasmus for All" programme, the successor of the Grundtvig Programm, that is intended to be started in 2014. EFOS is concerned that the financial means for international projects for and with the Elderly are not in corespondence with the importance of these projects for the Elderly and for the society as a whole. 

Read the letter in pdf format.

UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing 2012

Vienna 18 - 20 September 2012

Thanks to its representation in the Vienna UN Committee on Ageing and the advisory status related to it, EFOS, together with some 120 other NGOs, was invited to participate at the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing 2012. 

On the first day the NGOs worked out a Political Declaration that then was presented to the ministers on the third day. 

At various stages prior to the conference the NGOs had the opportunity to propose amendments to the Ministerial Declaration. The final version contains several references to the importance of continued learning at later age.

Read more about the conference.